O&M training of Upstream Cooling system in Rumaila CCPP, Iraq
Following the commissioning of the upstream inlet air cooling system for gas turbines number 9 and 10 of Rumaila power plant in Iraq, a training course on operation and maintenance of the upstream system was held in the presence of experts from the company that owns and operates the power plant (Iraqi Shamara Holding Company).
In this two-day training course, Engineer Parham Saen (Head of Mechanical Department of Rahavard Energy) and Engineer Majid Ebrahimpour (Head of Electrical and Control Department of Rahavard Energy) described the upstream cooling system and explained how to operate and maintain it.
Moreover, the questions of power plant experts have been answered by Rahavard’s technical team.
Finally, a field visit was made to the equipment installed in the upstream cooling project and practical operation of the equipment have been discussed.

Keywords: Upstream cooler, upstream cooling system, upstream Media cooler, upstream evaporative cooler, upstream turbine cooling, Media Cooling, Media pad, Training of upstream cooling, training of upstream evaporative cooler